2025.1 Epoxy Release Schedule

2025.1 Epoxy Release Schedule


Deadlines are generally the Thursday of the week on which they are noted below. Exceptions to this policy will be explicitly mentioned in the event description.

2 October, 2024 - 2 April, 2025 (26 weeks)


Cross-project events

Project-specific events

Sep 30 - Oct 04

Oct 07 - Oct 11


Oct 14 - Oct 18


Oct 21 - Oct 25


Oct 28 - Nov 01


Nov 04 - Nov 08


Nov 11 - Nov 15


Nov 18 - Nov 22


Nov 25 - Nov 29


Dec 02 - Dec 06


Dec 09 - Dec 13


Dec 16 - Dec 20


Dec 23 - Dec 27


Dec 30 - Jan 03


Jan 06 - Jan 10


Jan 13 - Jan 17


Jan 20 - Jan 24


Jan 27 - Jan 31


Feb 03 - Feb 07


Feb 10 - Feb 14


Feb 17 - Feb 21


Feb 24 - Feb 28


Mar 03 - Mar 07


Mar 10 - Mar 14


Mar 17 - Mar 21


Mar 24 - Mar 28


Mar 31 - Apr 04


Subscribe to iCalendar file

Cross-project events

PTG (virtual)

From October 21 to 25 we’ll have a virtual PTG to plan the Epoxy release schedule.

Epoxy-1 milestone

November 14, 2024 is the Epoxy-1 milestone. See project-specific notes for relevant deadlines.

2024.2 Dalmatian Cycle-Trailing Release Deadline

All projects following the cycle-trailing release model must release their 2024.2 Dalmatian deliverables by December 5, 2024.

Epoxy-2 milestone

January 9, 2025 is the Epoxy-2 milestone. See project-specific notes for relevant deadlines.

Membership Freeze

Projects must participate in at least two milestones in order to be considered part of the release. Projects made official after the second milestone, or which fail to produce milestone releases for at least one of the first and second milestones as well as the third milestone, are therefore not considered part of the release for the cycle. This does not apply to cycle-trailing packaging / lifecycle management projects.

Extra-AC freeze

All contributions to OpenStack are valuable, but some are not expressed as Gerrit code changes. That allow teams to list active contributors to their projects and who do not have a code contribution this cycle, and therefore won’t automatically be considered an Active Contributor and allowed to vote. This is done by adding extra-acs to https://opendev.org/openstack/governance/src/branch/master/reference/projects.yaml before the Extra-AC freeze date.

Final release for non-client libraries

Libraries that are not client libraries (Oslo and others) should issue their final release during this week. That allows to give time for last-minute changes before feature freeze.

Epoxy-3 milestone

February 27, 2025 is the Epoxy-3 milestone. See project-specific notes for relevant deadlines.

Feature freeze

The Epoxy-3 milestone marks feature freeze for projects following the release:cycle-with-rc model. No featureful patch should be landed after this point. Exceptions may be granted by the project PTL.

Final release for client libraries

Client libraries should issue their final release during this week, to match feature freeze.

Soft StringFreeze

You are no longer allowed to accept proposed changes containing modifications in user-facing strings. Such changes should be rejected by the review team and postponed until the next series development opens (which should happen when RC1 is published).

Requirements freeze

After the Epoxy-3 milestone, only critical requirements and constraints changes will be allowed. Freezing our requirements list gives packagers downstream an opportunity to catch up and prepare packages for everything necessary for distributions of the upcoming release. The requirements remain frozen until the stable branches are created, with the release candidates.

RC1 target week

The week of March 10, 2025 is the target date for projects following the release:cycle-with-rc model to issue their first release candidate.

Hard StringFreeze

This happens when the RC1 for the project is tagged. At this point, ideally no strings are changed (or added, or removed), to give translators time to finish up their efforts.

Final RCs and intermediary releases

The week of March 24, 2025 is the last week to issue release candidates or intermediary releases before release week. During release week, only final-release-critical releases will be accepted (at the discretion of the release team).

Epoxy release

The Epoxy coordinated release will happen on Wednesday, April 2, 2025.

Cycle Highlights

Cycle highlights need to be added to the release deliverables after the feature freeze to be included in any marketing release messaging. Highlights may be added after this point, but they will likely only be useful for historical purposes.

See the Project Team Guide for more details and instructions on adding these highlights.

For examples of previous release highlights: Zed Highlights. 2023.1 Antelope Highlights. 2023.2 Bobcat Highlights. 2024.1 Caracal Highlights.

Project-specific events

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Except where otherwise noted, this document is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. See all OpenStack Legal Documents.